I wasn’t aware that a conflict of interest would surface, and it would come to the point that I would have to choose.
The choice was to either let go of the agency I built and continue working for the state, which I have grown to love a lot, or commit to its purpose and bridge the teachers’ dream.
In the middle of the night, I had to beg God to tell me what to do, although, in my heart, I knew the choice was clear. I meddled and wakened up the desire of the teachers to be more, do more, and have more, and I was aware of my accountability to them.
But, I also have to think about my financial status. I couldn’t just give up my job without knowing if the teachers would even be successful. At that time, there were still three months left for the results.
I lulled myself to sleep knowing God will take over.
And true enough, God’s response came in bold statement that week.
I live my life knowing my prayers are already answered; this has always been my mantra, and this also allowed seeming ceaseless miracles in my life.
To all the answered prayers and prayers that are yet to be answered, I praise and glorify God.