Overcoming The Get-Rich-Quick Syndrome

How do we overcome the get-rich-quick syndrome in networking business? Why do we always fall in its trap? What can we do about it?

I laughed when Eric Worre wrote in his book Go Pro, 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional, about hunting. He said because newbies have not learned the skills of a professional networker yet, they would hunt people!

As a hunter, all they care about is finding a recruit!

Building relationships, caring about other people’s perspectives and current situations do not matter. What matters is the pay-in!

But, I guess, who wouldn’t chase people? If the goal is to earn money?

Unfortunately, that’s also the cause of an eventual epic fail.

The get-rich-quick syndrome is it.

Because it doesn’t matter how much we know – this networking business is not get-rich-quick but get-rich-sure business – the idea won’t just stick.

Why? Because faith-loving people as we are, we still hold on to hope, wild-great-tremendous-hope that get-rich-quick is possible in this network marketing business!

Goals are like mountains. We all want to climb the top. We psych ourselves – we pour time, effort, and money – and then halfway there – when we face all the challenges, as expected in any endeavors, we freeze.

We stop in our tracks, give in to all our doubts, negativities and prematurely declare our failure. And then we look around, see another mountain, and start all over again.

The good news is we can breakthrough. It is possible to move forward, and we can!

How Do We Overcome The Get-Rich-Quick Syndrome? 

  1. Look within. Similar to goals, our mountains can be daunting. But, when we start to focus on our dreams, aspirations, heart’s desires and stop pursuing the peso or dollar sign, weirdly, what we seek follows.
  2. Give it time to grow. But more than the business, let’s give ourselves a chance to grow – to learn more skills, to adopt new perspective, to change our thoughts.
  3. Focus. Focus on what made us say yes to the business in the first place. For a week or two, I am sure we saw the vision. Let’s go back to it.

Even if we are slow to move upwards, as long as we are in motion is the plan. We can take a breather, we can hibernate, but let’s not give up.

No matter how long we still have to go, take heart. Because one day, slowly but surely, we will be surprised. We are at the top!

And to God, we give all glory and praise!


Teach-USA is not a network marketing business. But if you dream of teaching in the US. Stay with it! Chase, not the price that you have to pay, but pursue the dream instead!

To know more, visit https://www.teach-usa.net.



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