Set Goals and Pray


They said to make things happen; one has to set goals. They also said to pray a lot!

I did both, and it got me results!

Setting goals makes me excited. I like the feeling of being in control of my thoughts and my world. That’s why I set goals for the day.

But there are times when some goals, like getting a pay-in (a customer to pay for one’s products) are sometimes, out of my control.

I can only do what I can with what I have, whenever I can, wherever I am!

But I realized if I add prayer to the equation of goal setting, an intentional prayer, it gets me results!

Last week, my new coach said, your goal is to have one new direct pay-in by April 9.


So I said, God, I need one direct pay-in by April 9.

And after a couple of days, I whispered to God again, God, will you give me one direct pay-in before April 9?

And after a few more days: Well, God, that was my goal, one new direct pay-in before April 9- with the voice of surrendering!

And then, God responded.

The next day after my last plea, I woke up and saw a text message. Yes, I got my one new direct pay-in before April 9.

Like manna from heaven!

Amazing, right?

Now, was it luck? Was it a miracle? Was it magic?

Or is it simply that I’ve unlocked the correct equation for creating results?

Now, I am not sure what message I want to share here:

1) Set a GOAL or
2) Pray a lot

But I know both are magical!



If you ever have a goal of teaching in the US someday, please feel free to visit: Let’s make it happen!



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