How to Handle Negative People In Your Life?

how to handle negative people

How do you handle negative people in your life?

“You’ve got nothing better to do!”
“You better get out of my face!”
“You can’t do this. You’re just Filipino!”

Every day, every minute, negativity is around you. The moment you wake up, you hear bad news on the radio, TV, internet. And sadly, even from the people around you, your friends, co-workers, and people you love.

The reality is there will always be people who make you feel inferior, people who whine too much, people who disrespect you, people who put you down, people who abuse you.

But do you know what the worst kind is? The worst kind when you become that person – you put yourself down, you abuse or disrespect yourself, you complain too much.

You cannot avoid negativity or toxicity. It will always be around you.

The good news is there’s a way out! There are ways to handle negative people in you life!


First: Remember that your life is a perfect reflection of your beliefs. Do you believe you are significant enough that people should respect you? Do you demand people to love you back, to praise you, to be grateful to you? Are you constantly trapped by the “they should do this” and “they should do that” mentality?

It is best to keep in mind that you’ll have more peace of mind when you don’t expect others to behave in any particular fashion.

It’s not actually what happens to you but how you respond to it that matters. If you only see negativity, you will continue to be a victim of your circumstance and the people around you. Your friends will put you down, your boss will criticize you more, and your husband will abuse you.

Events will unfold according to your expectations.

Rethink your beliefs and be aware of your thoughts because it’s powerful!

Second: Remember, you have the power to choose. You can always say no to people who encourage your addiction, who constantly hurt you, and those who invalidate you. Select your friends and say no to all the negative people in your life!

Do you know who invalidators are? According to author Bo Sanchez, They are whiners, but worst kind, because these are people who not only criticize the world around them, but they love to criticize you! When you share your dreams, goals, and plans with them, they will roll up their eyes and shake their heads.

The invalidators are also know-it-all. They believe they know everything about you and your future more than God. So stop being a victim. Get rid of all your abusers, invalidators, controllers, manipulators, or parasites in your life!

Third: Acceptance is the key. That’s the only way you can love people. If you cannot accept them, then you need to change. Remember, your mission in life is not to change the world but to change yourself, according to author Andrew Matthews.

What will work is when you work on yourself and not change other people. What will work is when you work on yourself and not change the world. Not yet, anyway.

Negativity and toxicity are part of life’s challenges. The question is, now that you know the three powerful secrets in handling negativity, are you ready to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions?