I miss me. I love that God has His ways of bringing us back to Him. If it weren’t for the reflective journey that I embarked on, I wouldn’t realize…
Answered Prayer
I wasn’t aware that a conflict of interest would surface, and it would come to the point that I would have to choose. The choice was to either let go…
During the first few months of the pandemic, while worries and fear of the unknown were trying to creep in, I turned to binge-watching a lot of Korean dramas. I…
Together Forever: My 2nd Book on Amazon!
“Lord, give me a boyfriend, pleeeeeeease….” When all my friends were already into relationships, I begged God for a boyfriend! It took years of waiting, or so I felt. I…
My 1st Book!
Thanks for buying Believe It to See It! Suddenly I was enveloped with fear. I had my first book written and ready for publishing on Amazon Kindle, but I couldn’t…
Get $30 on your first money transfer!
Who wants $30.00 free money?! If you are sending money to the Philippines anyway (or your family and relatives are sending you money from the USA or wherever), why not try this…
Why Making Excuses Won’t Work?
One thing I love about walking from the train station to my workplace is that I get to pass by this beautiful boutique. I love what the mannequins are wearing…
3 Simple Mindsets To Achieve Your Goals
More than ten years ago, I was in a dilemma. I envisioned a family “together,” but I didn’t know how to get there. It sucks not to know “HOW,” right?…