During the first few months of the pandemic, while worries and fear of the unknown were trying to creep in, I turned to binge-watching a lot of Korean dramas.
I felt secure knowing there was an episode to look forward to, day in and day out, even if I had to rely on the subtitles to understand the words.
And while I sheltered myself in my own little world as I laughed, cried, and smiled at all the romantic comedy Kdramas, recommended by friends, the real stories of people dying because of the COVID 19 virus became a blur, desensitizing me from the pain of the reality.
Until the unknown faces became faces of the people I know. And I had to stop, even a while, to say a prayer.
Until the economic impact of the pandemic hit me. And I had to stop, even in the meantime, to find a temporary solution to the problem.
Until I realized, COVID isn’t going away soon. And I had to stop a little longer to discern what God is telling me to do.
I didn’t realize that at my lowest and deepest uncertainty, I will find God’s sweetest grace and mercy as I consciously “shut down” the voices of negativities and worriment.
God’s embrace brought peace, mental clarity, and wisdom and in spite of the neck-deep concerns of this world, I thank God that His love abounds, even more, all the time!
To Him I give all the glory and praise.